This week we celebrate 5 years since the grand opening of Peppa Pig World!
To mark the occasion, we would like to share just a few of the many highlights of our enchanting Peppa-themed land with you all.
Many of Peppa’s loving fans have travelled from all over the country (some even across the world!) to visit the extra special land of Peppa Pig. A favourite among many of our visitors are the wonderful rides and attractions. Peppa Pig World has 7 themed rides that give guests the chance to fly high to the sky with Mummy and Daddy on Peppa’s Pig Balloon Ride, jump aboard George’s Dino Adventure and zoom around Daddy Pig’s Car Ride.
As well as the glorious rides within Peppa Pig World, visitors can also visit Peppa’s House and Madame Gazelle’s School House as featured in the popular Peppa Pig television episodes. Peppa Pig World also has three exclusive play areas that guarantee maximum fun and allow the little ones the chance to let off steam! With something for everyone there is no reason not to let loose in George’s Spaceship Playzone, Muddy Puddles and Mr Potato’s Playground.
Take a look at these adorable little ones enjoying the attractions of Peppa Pig World:

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A day at Peppa Pig World would not be complete without the chance to meet your favourite Characters. Peppa and George appear in Peppa Pig World daily and love meeting all the happy boys and girls that visit the park. During peak times Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Zoey Zebra and Suzy Sheep make special appearances throughout the day, where they are happy to take pictures and have cuddles with the little ones.
Some photographs taken during appearances from your favourite characters can be found below:

The theming of Peppa Pig World is what makes it even more special for the little ones and truly puts them inside Peppa’s World. Our lovely additional features include quacking ducks, the library and a whole range of character figures that add to the Peppa experience and make for some great photo opportunities.
Can you spot these during your next visit to Peppa Pig World?

Over the years we’ve had visits from many familiar faces that you may recognise; even these celebrities can’t resist a day at Peppa Pig World with their families. We look forward to welcoming many more over the years to come.
Do you recognise any of the celebrities below?

It’s fair to say that the last 5 years have been filled with special visits and playful adventures so thank you to you all for visiting, we hope you have enjoyed your visits to the Park and look forward to seeing you again soon!
Not had the chance the visit Peppa’s World yet? Why not book tickets to visit us this year or visit Peppa Pig’s Online Toy Shop to bring some of the fun of Peppa Pig World into your own home with our exclusive Peppa Pig Merchandise for all the family.
See you soon,
Paultons Park