Just when you thought that – with its great theming and fantastic new thrill rides -Tornado Springs couldn’t get any better, it gives an additional gift. The new member, a family rollercoaster, ‘Farmyard Flyer’ has finally arrived.
Tornado Springs, which opened April 2021, is set in an American town which has been hit by a tornado. Within the town, there are a range of rides providing thrills for the more adventurous as well as some fun, more gentle rides for both younger guests and those who are a little more cautious. Hold on to your hats (or as it seems, ‘cows’ as these show up in very unexpected places!) and get ready to join the adventure that awaits you.
The new family rollercoaster, replicates an old crop-dusting plane. The fantastic new ride is set in an authentic 1950s American farm. Your flight, which can take over 360 passengers in an hour, allows you to swoop around a 158m track while having a wonderful view of all the farm-themed props below. Keep your eyes peeled for chickens and cows which have been swept up by the tornado and have landed in rather obscure places!
Designed by the team at Paultons and manufactured by German manufacturer Zierer, the ‘Farmyard Flyer’ is the perfect ride for all ages – everyone can – and should- experience this family friendly ride. Make sure to smile and show your cheesiest grins; let out your cheers of joy because your adventure will be captured forever in a photo that can be purchased from a booth at the end of the ride. The perfect souvenir!
Want to know more? We were lucky enough to interview Lawrence Mancey, ‘Business Systems and Marketing Manager’ at Paultons Park.

How long did it take to build the new ride, ‘Farmyard Flyer?
We ordered the ride in January 2020 – over 2 years ago. However, building was delayed by the Covid 19 pandemic. This meant that the construction of the ride was unable to begin until the end of 2020. It took a year or so for the ride to be built and then we had to run various tests on the ride to make sure it was safe. In total, it took about a year and half to create ‘Farmyard Flyer’ and have it ready for our guests.
What was the inspiration behind building the ride?
We really wanted to create a smaller rollercoaster that younger children could enjoy. There are some really exciting rides for older guests in ‘Tornado Springs’ such as ‘Storm Chaser’ and ‘Cyclonator.’ However, at Paultons, we like to make sure we have a good balance of rides; we are keen to ensure that there is something for everyone to enjoy. ‘Farmyard Flyer’ provides a perfect addition to this part of the park; it is a rollercoaster that the whole family can experience. The theme also fits into this area of the park perfectly: ‘Farmer Flo has her own crop-dusting plane which she flies around the farm to spray all the crops and make them grow!’
How much did it cost to build?
‘Farmyard Flyer’ cost about £1.5 million to build. Without this new rollercoaster, we had spent around £12 million creating ‘Tornado Springs.’ The money was spent to ensure a variety of exciting rides but also on props and paint to bring the theme together.
Who had the idea for this new, incredible ride?
The rollercoaster was made by a company called ‘Zierer’ but the actual theming and the design of the ride came from the Paultons Park team. ‘Tornado Springs’ is a concept born from the imagination of the Paultons Park team and our creative partners. There is not another ‘Tornado Springs’ anywhere else in the world! We even found the props that help to bring the theme alive!
What is it that makes ‘Farmyard Flyer’ such a good addition to the park?
It’s good because, even if you’re only 90cm tall, (approximately aged 4-5 years old) you can enjoy the ride with an adult. It is a fun ride that families can experience together – this is part of what makes it so special. The ride is fast and well themed – listen for the sound effects as you ride! It is fun to sit at the front of the plane, where you can see the cool, spinning propeller, but it is also great sitting at the back, where you feel more speed and thrills.
How fast does the ride go?
On the ‘Farmyard Flyer,’ passengers reach speeds of up to 36km an hour.
What is next for ‘Tornado Springs’?
We are happy with the area and think that ‘Tornado Springs’ is now complete. It is a perfect family area which can be enjoyed by all – from the very little children right up to teenagers who can enjoy the thrill of bigger attractions like ‘The Cyclonator.’
Although there are currently no plans for ‘Tornado Springs,’ we always have more plans to continuously improve the park. Our next big investment is in the early stages of planning but I can’t tell you anything yet – it’s a big secret! We started planning ‘Tornado Springs’ in 2017 and we didn’t open this part of the park until 2021; it takes 4-5 years of planning to get things right! You’ll just have to wait and see!

Although we couldn’t draw the secret from Lawrence, we are sure that whatever is coming next will be incredible. Paultons Park is always at the top of the game for creating the best new experiences for families to enjoy.

Even though Paultons Park is already the greatest theme park in the world, we did have some suggestions for Lawrence as to what lands we think would make a good addition to the park!
- A rainforest – where, as well as rides, you could learn more about conservation and sustainability
- A water world or sea theme – perhaps a ride could help you see the world through the eyes of a fish!
- A paradise island – where you could sit on a beach and chill!
- A music land – when every ride will be filled with your favourite songs!
- A ride that threads around the park and gives you a view of the rest of Paultons!
A ride that takes you through the sky on a rainbow rollercoaster!

Thank you Paultons for the best day out. We had lots of fun trying out a number of rides at the park. The Log flume was a particular favourite! It provided lots of ‘super soaked fun!’ For some reason, our teachers were happy to look after the bags but we loved it! Yes, we did get wet but that was not a problem… we spun forwards and backwards on ‘The Dragon ride,’ which acted like a huge super-human tumble dryer! We also loved the ‘Sky Swinger’ which spun us in air, high off the ground; we didn’t want to get off!